Thank you for volunteering to share your faith through ministry in the Parish School of Religion (PSR). As catechists, you are tasked with planting and nurturing the seeds of our faith in the children you work with.
Our ministry requires that we provide a safe environment for the children entrusted to our care. To that end, the Diocese of Charleston requires that anyone working with minors have a background check for criminal activity involving children. We ask that you follow the link provided, fill out the forms, and send them to the address provided.
In addition, anyone working with minors is required to complete an on-line video training program called Safe Haven. This program is intended to help ministers recognize and report suspected sexual and physical abuse of minors. Once completed, you must print the on-line certificate and forward it to our parish office.
Both the Safe Haven training program and the background check must be completed every five years. If you have already completed both, please check online to verify that you’re certification is still active.
Links to all required paperwork and where they should be sent can be found below:
Required activities and paperwork to be completed prior to the start of the PSR school year: